frequently asked questions
After your part is completed, it is polished and wrapped in paper. The paper is on the window to prevent scratching during transit. Direct sunlight should be avoided when the paper is on because it will get tacky, stick to the canopy, and become difficult to remove. If you were planning on storing your parts for periods longer than one month before install, we would recommend placing the part in a soft material to keep it clean. After installing be sure to cover your window to help prevent scratching.
Acrylic care consists of no more than normal wipe-cleaning to keep it looking new. ALWAYS use a soft microfiber or flannel cloth. Chemicals should NEVER be used, and care should be taken to avoid scratches. Plexus is our recommended product for cleaning, polishing and protecting all types of plastic, including clear or colored acrylics; car, boat and motorcycle surfaces.
For any small scratches that occur, we recommend the product Meguiars* 10 plastic polish. If your part is scored or gouged deeply, please contact us for more details. to remove tar, grease, paint, etc., use a good grade of naphtha or kerosene. Users of these solvents should become familiar with their properties to handle them safely.
Do Not Use: Window cleaning fluids, scouring compounds, gritty cloths, leaded or ethyl gasoline or solvents such as alcohol, acetone, carbon tetrachloride, etc.
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